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Here you will find the most basic data you will need to join our community's servers. Check this page regularly to receive the latest information on the subject.
We use the latest game version if possible. The current version is displayed on the main page. You will also need the Comcast Event map and the Fan Pack. In our community we use Hamachi. The server information room is rsv2-info, password is rsv2. Here you can ask the administrator to coordinate you to the versus server or any other according to your request.
You can find further info on the ranks and accessories in the following pages, they are in Hungarian. If you have any special question, you can ask the admins. We do not plan to translate the whole page, thank you for your understanding. You can upload screenshots or character photos in the Képek section. You can also add comments or rate the pictures. There are some videos for your comfort and entertainment. In Elérhetőség section you can contact the admins, or you can leave a message in the shoutbox at the beginning. Our forum is mainly in Hungarian but feel free to post, any comments worth answering will be paid due attention. We only use chat before the main event. The last menu includes some information about the maps. You can read about them and also download the pdf maps.
We welcome every able soldier in our community, we are open in this sense. Any harm done to the unity of our comunity will result in temporary ban. Please observe the general code of honour of clans and communities. Thank you and we wish you pleasant stay.